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加能史料編纂委員会、加能史料 戦国I、北國書籍印刷株式会社、金沢市、2000年 (Kano Historical Documents Editorial Board, Kano Historical Documents, Sengoku I, Hokkoku Shoseki Insatsu Pty Ltd, Kanazawa City, 2000)


加能史料編纂委員会、加能史料 戦国I、北國書籍印刷株式会社、金沢市、2000年 (Kano Historical Documents Editorial Board, Kano Historical Documents, Sengoku I, Hokkoku Shoseki Insatsu Pty Ltd, Kanazawa City, 2000)

三十日 これより先、幕府、中院通秀に、同家領加賀国額田荘・加納八田(はった)荘内における僧運助押領分を返付する。この日、後花園天皇、通秀に、同荘一円知行を安堵する。(On the 30th day, an order arrived from the Bakufu, ordering the priest Unjo of the Shoen of Nukata no Shō and Hatta no Shō to return those lands he had seized to Naka no In Michihide. The Emperor, on the same day, had also approved of Michihide serving as overseer to both Shoen.)

「中の院家文書」(長禄四年)一四六○年 (Naka no In Household Documents Chōroku 4 - 1460)

加賀の國額田の荘并びに加納八田の荘、當知行に任せ之旨、領掌(りょうしょう)相違有るべからず、同 庄内運助儈(そう)都(ず) 押領分の事、今度(このたび)武家として返付をせらるる之由被聞食了(きごしめされおわぬ)、全一圓之知行をせしめ給うべき之旨、天氣(後花園天皇)候所也、仍って上啓の件の如し

長祿四年七月卅日       右大辨(へん 勧修寺経茂―つめしげ))(花押)
謹上 中の院中納言殿   

○中院文書(当家旧領事)所収同文書案に、「上包, 謹上中院前中納言殿 右大辨經茂」トアリ  (p.158)

This document was sent from the Bakufu to Naka no In, basically appointing Michihide as overseer to the properties of Nukata no Shō and Hatta no Shō. It also states that the Bakufu had spoken to Go Hanazono, the emperor, regarding the activities of a priest by the name of Unjo, who had been carrying out acts of property invasion in both shōen. The Bakufu had ordered Unjo to return all of the stolen territory to Naka no In and confirm Michihide as sole owner of both shōen, to which the emperor gave his consent.

© Greg Pampling. This page was modified in December 2011